Empire of the petal throne desert
Empire of the petal throne desert

empire of the petal throne desert

My visit to America had been the first possible to me for nearly a quarter of a century, and I had before my last previous one, brief and distant to memory, spent other years in continuous absence so that I was to return with much of the freshness of eye, outward and inward, which, with the further contribution of a state of desire, is commonly held a precious agent of perception. THE following pages duly explain themselves, I judge, as to the Author's point of view and his relation to his subject but I prefix this word on the chance of any suspected or perceived failure of such references. New York and The Hudson: A Spring Impression (4) James mixes English and American spelling conventions, favoring the English spelling in words like "honour" and "savour" and the American spelling in other words such as "recognize." (3) To facilitate searching, accent marks in foreign words have been removed and the ligatured æ, which James usually employs, has been changed to unligatured ae. Then paragraphs will be ended with two hard returns and HTML tags, (capital P enclosed in angle-brackets).

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empire of the petal throne desert

Unlike some of the later reprintings, such as the Library of America edition, this etext includes ALL of the original running heads for right-hand pages and in their proper places, e. (1) Page numbers, in parentheses, indicate the start of a new printed page. The American edition, also published in 1907, did not contain the English edition's seventh section of the last chapter. This etext of The American Scene (London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1907), was produced by Richard Hathaway, with assistance from Ross Arthur, Ann Bubb, and Sarah Koch it was proofread in its entirety by Leatrice Chan. * Return to "the Henry James scholar's Guide to Web Sites" *

Empire of the petal throne desert