Jimmy swaggart choir members
Jimmy swaggart choir members

jimmy swaggart choir members

Flutes were played, and drums were beaten, in order to drown out the cries of the victims as mothers stood by without tears or sobs to give the impression of the voluntary character of the offering. The image of metal was heated red hot by a fire kindled within, and the children placed on Moloch’s arms would roll off into the fiery pit below. The image of Moloch was that of a bull's head with a human body whose outstretched arms were prepared to receive the children destined to be a flaming sacrifice. Thus, for what we know about this cult, the children (male and female - 2nd Kings 23:10) were offered to Moloch by being consumed by fire… In reference to the mention of children being sacrificed to Moloch as seen in the Bible, this term “children” is translated as “offspring” or “seed” and demonstrates a literal action displaying the seed, as the continuation of a family, being willingly offered to Moloch into the flames. This kind of sacrifice was void of any edged knives or weapons, but instead gave homage to fire which was connected with Moloch.

jimmy swaggart choir members

Moloch: The God With An Appetite For ChildrenĪmong all the paganism of the ancient world, and the gods and goddesses people worshiped, there may be none more complex in nature, terrible in homage and mysterious in identity then the name, Moloch… The name, Moloch, is a Semitic term that derives its root meaning from the word, ‘king.’ As a god, Moloch was part of cult worship which revolved around a kind of propitiatory child sacrifice system where the children were offered by the parents themselves in a honour ceremony to the god. That was what I said! However, as the Good Lord would have it, the title of this week’s message is “ Jimmy Swaggart And His Appetite For Children!” In fact the following introduction will set the stage for what God Almighty wants said: Our last sermonet – “ Johnny Lee Clary: The Hooded Wonder Of Jimmy Lee Swaggart’s Ministry!” – was the last Jimmy Swaggart sermonet that I ever planned on writing. So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad".

jimmy swaggart choir members

The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. Jimmy Swaggart And His Appetite For Children!

Jimmy swaggart choir members